Want to be cool in "The Valley"?
Gotta use reveal.js...
Part I - Conference
3 Days
10+ Tracks
- Artificial Intelligence
- Blockchain
- APIs and Microservices
- Javascript
- Popular languages and frameworks
- Scalability
- DevOps
- Mobile Dev
- Coding Reality
- Dev Exec
190 Talks
Part II - Hackathon
2 Days
11 Sponsors
- Linode
- Clarifai
- Here
- CodeCombat
- Wowza
- Yubico
- TomTom
- Near
- Agora
- Canon
- Docusign
13 Competitions -> 1 Winner - Urgent Blood
Part III - Silicon Valley
5 Days
8 Companies - 17 People
- Seeable
- Netflix
- Pivotal
- WeWorks
- Intuit
- Paypal
- Honeycomb
- Salesforce
3 Campus Visits - eBay, Google and AirBnB
Part I - Conference Themes
- The Microservice Ecosystem
- Machine Learning
- Blockchain
- Programming Languages & Frameworks
- Keynote Takeaways
Deploying and Maintaining Microservices
The Microservice Ecosystem
- Containers
- Serverless
- Kubernetes
- Service Mesh
Communication between Microservices
The Microservice Ecosystem
- Rest vs ??? (GRPC, WARP)
- Http vs ??? (RSocket, HTTP2)
- Asynchronous patterns
Verification with Microservices
The Microservice Ecosystem
- Always backwards compatible
- Metrics are key
- Hypothesis driven development
ML in software testing
Machine Learning
- Understanding human behaviour
- Bug prediction
- Auto generating tests
- Smart maintenance
ML in website optimisation
Machine Learning
- Understanding usage behaviour
- Optimising javascript bundles
- Predictive lazy loading
ML in robotics
Machine Learning
- NVidia - Creating a platform
- Cisco - Internet of Things
- Software running on the edge
ML with Javascript
Machine Learning
- TensorFlow.js
- Run in browser or on Node.js
Programming Languages & Frameworks
- Strong graphic performance in the browser
- AssemblyScript - TypeScript to WebAssembly
- https://bit.ly/2FClY76
Programming Languages & Frameworks
Application Design Pattern - 3factorapp
- Realtime GraphQL
- Reliable eventing
- Async serverless
Keynote Takeaways
Have clear goals and clear boundaries - Atlassian
Use the Golden Path - Spotify
Focus on contention and coherence - Sapient
Move from a fixed destination to a continuous journey - Sapient
Set impossible goals - Monday.com
It's all about the developer experience - Eventbrite
Some hacks are okay, as we get it out quick - Stackoverflow
Part III - Silicon Valley
"Intuit" Agile Philosophy
Mirrored by Pivotal
Do the minimum responsible amount of work
At the last responsible moment
With the smallest responsible amount of people
Next-level Design Studios
Take the customer home (mentally or physically)
“Design for Delight”
“Follow Me Home”
Agile Guard Rails
- Not Agile
- Doing Agile
- Being Agile
- Beyond Agile
"Beyond Agile" Guard Rails
- Show Progress
Plan dependencies with other teams
(at the same time)
- Communicate effectively
Intuit Quotes
- Go broad to go narrow
- Test your hypothesis
- Pivot or persevere
- 3-in-a-box (engineer, product, design)
- Follow Me Home
- D4D - Design For Delight
Pivotal Take-Aways
- XP
- Pairing by default
- Ping Pong Push
- Remove distractions!
- Speaker/Mic for standups
- UI teams (Web/Mobile/TV etc) - and Groovy layer
- Services teams (1 or more services)
Product managers come up with a hypothesis, build it and test it!
- Production is where the Dragons are!
- Metrics are key!
- So is Backwards Compatibility!!!
- Come up with a hypothesis and test it!
After explaining PACT: Wow! We just keep our APIs backwards
Business and Engineering must both be able to influence direction
- Trust is key here!
San Fran Tech
- Amazon Go
- Technical Journalist
- Limited places with PayPass - "You want to do what now?"
- Robot Delivery
- Tech Billboards and TV Ads
- Uber/Lyft/Jump
Conference Tech
- Amplify
- Serverless
- Hysterix
- TensorFlow
- Kublr
- Helm, Istio
- Spinnaker
Conference Tech
- RSocket
- Ballerina
- Hasura.io
- AWS Code Build
- guess.js
- swim.ai
- Lerna